Meeting with H.E. the Ambassador of Armenia in France, Hasmik Tolmajian and Mr. Hovhannès Guévorkian the representative of Artsakh in France.
This Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Armenian Movement (LMA) represented by Mr Sevag Sarikaya and the Rally of Elected Representatives of Armenia and France (REAF) represented by its president Deborah Zabounian had an interview at the Embassy of Armenia in France to present the national organizations of the Armenian Movement and REAF.
This informative and constructive exchange on our programs, strategies and future actions is part of a will to work together with our French and Armenian institutions to best meet the needs of the Republic of Armenia and Artsakh.
Our thanks to the Ambassador of Armenia in France Hasmik Tolmajian as well as to Mr. Hovannès Guévorkian the representative of Artsakh in France for this warm welcome